7U/8U Home Page
The 8U division is a learning division and is designed to introduce young players to the game of soccer. The children will play short-sided games (6 on a side) on small fields with simplified laws. Short-sided games help ensure that children have fun and at the same time, maximize their learning opportunities. No standings are kept in this division.
AYSO is committed to its six philosophies:
- Open enrolment
- Balanced teams
- Everyone plays
- Positive coaching
- Good sportsmanship
- Player Development
View slide presentation given at parent meeting by clicking
hereAYSO posts these yellow signs at the entrances of playing fields to remind parents that they are entering a Kids Zone. In addition Kids Zone buttons will be handed out. This should help remind everyone that it's for the kids.
AYSO is an ALL VOLUNTEER organization. Each and every task that is done, from coaching, refereeing, lining fields, scheduling games, organizing divisions, training clinics, etc. is done by volunteers. We cannot make AYSO function without your help. We need you to volunteer. Here are some key ways you can help:
Almost 70 percent of AYSO 8U coaches are first-time coaches-parents with little free time. Short-sided soccer is a way to ease adults into coaching as well as to ease children into playing. Won't you consider coaching? This is the single biggest area where you can help. AYSO will provide you with the training & resources necessary for you to do the job. You supply the smile and encouraging words.
The time commitment involved is between 2 & 3 hours a week (one 1 hour practices plus a 1 hour game on Saturday). In addition, you will need to attend an 8U Coaching Clinic before the season starts and schedule a team meeting. Most other team related tasks can be delegated to your team parent. We will do our best to assign an assistant coach to each team.
We always need referees. We will train you and you can pick when you volunteer to referee. Please see Information on Becoming a Referee
Be available at as many practices and games as possible to assist the coach. Fill in for the coach when he/she cannot be present. You will need to attend an 8U Coaching Clinic before the start of the season.
Each team must provide two referees. Without a referee, the game cannot take place. In order to be certified you will need to attend a one evening U8 Referee course (~ 3 hours). You should expect to referee every other game. You may referee your child's game.
Each team needs a team parent to help organize snacks, communicate with the whole team on behalf of the coach, organize the end-of-season party, and generally take care of administrative details for the team (roster, schedule etc.)
There are many opportunities for you to help out. Please don't assume that someone else will do it!
See the Registration page for Age Requirements
All games are played on Saturdays on Kennedy Field between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Click here for the game schedule.
As part of the registration fee, each player receives a full uniform (jersey, shorts, socks) which your coach will give to you prior to the start of the season. In addition, you will need to supply the following items:
- Shin guards (mandatory for all practices and games)
- Size 3 soccer ball (highly recommended)
- Soccer shoes (These shoes may not have a toe cleat. Tennis shoes are ok.)
- Water bottle (great for those hot August days)
For safety reasons, players are not allowed to wear jewelry (earrings, necklaces, barrettes etc...) during practices or games. Special provisions can be made for medical items (ex: medicalert bracelets)
Your coach will schedule the number and duration of practice sessions with you inputs. Keep in mind that the coach's schedule will be the determining factor on when practices will happen. Typically, for this age, 1 one-hour practice a week will be held. There may be additional practices before the season starts. Practices may only be held at an approved location (generally Roosevelt Elementary or Kennedy) and during approved times.
Please do not consider this a baby-sitting service. Be on time to pick up your child. In addition, AYSO requires that a parent of the opposite sex from the coach remain with the team during all practices.
See Calendar for important dates.
Each team consists of 9-10 players. Teams are divided into boys and girls teams and are balanced by age and level of experience. Coaches are not allowed to pre-select players for their team. The list of teams will be posted once they are determined.
There is a mandatory Parent Meeting to find out which team your child is on and explain the rules of the game. See the Important Dates above for the time and place. Coaches will contact their players and families before the start of the season.
Here are some useful guidelines that will help make this an enjoyable season for you and everyone else.
- Please show up at the field at least 20 minutes before game time so your coach can get the team organized.
- Do not stand or coach from behind the goal. The referee will ask you to leave.
- Please stand at least 1 yard back from the touch line to avoid interfering with play.
- Respect the referee's decision. If you have a question (not a complaint) regarding a call, wait until after the game is over. Remember, the referees are learning too. If you feel that you know best, then consider becoming a referee yourself!
- Resist the urge to run onto the field if your child gets knocked down or hurt. Let the referee and coach deal with the issue. You will be called upon if needed.
- If a player is misbehaving (temper tantrum, aggressive behavior, etc.) they may be asked to leave the game for a cooling off period. Please support the referee in that decision.
- Encourage your child to be a good sport, win or loose. No spitting on hands or negative comments to the opposite team.
- Only 1 coach per field. Players get confused when they hear more than one person "coaching" from the sidelines. If you can't help yourself, perhaps you should consider becoming a coach!
- Heading the ball is not allowed for this age group.
- Slide takling is not allowed at this level and will be penalized as dangerous play.
- If you have the first game of the day, please show up extra early to help set up the goals. If you have the last game, then help tear down the goals.
- Dogs are not allowed on the playing fields. After all, who wants their child running through urine or feces residue.
- Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited on or near the playing fields at either practices or games.
- Please help pick up trash (especially yours) after each game.
- Support the children, coaches, and referees from the opposing team as well as from your team.